#47: Responding to the Sexual Abuse Crisis (with Mary DeMuth)

The Holy Spirit is stirring the waters, exposing this egregious, awful, sickening sin (and crime!) in the Body of Christ. God is cleaning house.
— Mary DeMuth

Mary DeMuth is the author of over 30 books including popular fiction and Christian living titles. A survivor of sexual abuse at a young age, Mary has devoted much of her life to helping people walk out healing, and now she has turned her sights on the church itself. In this powerful discussion she shared deep truths about where the church is failing, and why, and practical tips on how we can all do better. We discuss her latest book, We Too, which is part expose, part memoir, part healing guide, and predominantly a clarion call for the church to do better. Check out the resources below and please consider sharing this important message with others.

Resources mentioned:

Support my work at patreon.com/jonathanpuddle
The Day I Met Jesus, by Frank Viola & Mary DeMuth
We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis, by Mary DeMuth
Boz Tchividjian - GRACE: Godly Respond to Abuse in the Christian Environment
Predators, by Anna Salter
Mary’s 21 Days to Healing Email Series for Sexual Abuse Recovery

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